Reiki is a spiritually guided energy that promotes healing at all levels. This “laying-on-hands”  calming practice is a Japanese technique that channels universal energy or life force in order to support healing of the mind, body and soul.  When one’s life force is low, one is more likely to get sick, feel stressed, drained and tired, or low of energy.

A Reiki treatment by a certified practitioner treats the person in all levels, body, emotions, mind and spirit.

Some of the benefits from one or more Reiki sessions can include:

  • Increase of Self-Love
  • Mind, Body and Soul Alignment
  • Feelings of well-being
  • A higher connection to Divine source and self
  • Relief of physical pain


Reiki is not taught like other healing techniques, it is instead transferred to the student by a certified Reiki Master during an attunement or initiation process. This process opens the crown, heart and palm chakras or energy centers and creates the link between the student and the Reiki Source.

Once you have received a Reiki Attunement, all that’s necessary to use Reiki on yourself or others is to place your hands on the person to be healed with the intention of healing. Reiki will flow automatically into the person receiving Reiki and will begin to heal exactly what the client needs. In a session, as you give Reiki, you receive Reiki. Because the energy is guided by the God-Consciousness and it flows forward into you to the client, you get recharged. There is no danger of taking on the Karma of the client. Both, you and the client only benefit from this powerful and yet gentle energy.

Reiki 1st Degree

The USUI-Traditional style of Reiki is a natural hands on healing Japanese method that channels universal energy or life force(chi, qi, ruah) This energy animates our live, and its intention is to support healing of the mind, body and soul. It also aids in the removal of blockages, can reduces stress, can boost the immune system, and bring about clarity, peace and relaxation. In order to channel Reiki energy, you must be attuned by a Reiki Master. During the attunement, the initiate is energetically “wired” to receive and channel the Reiki Energy. This energy will stay with you and help you in all that you do – from healing, to meditation, energizing your food, and so much more.

Level 1 is the foundation of all other levels.

During this class:

* You will be attuned to the energy of  Reiki. Once this energy  is “turned-on” inside of you, it will stay with you always.

* You will learn a simple and easy way to conduct a Reiki treatment  for yourself And/or others

*   You will also learn many ways to incorporate Reiki in your everyday life.

*  We will also get to practice, practice, practice.

* At the end of the class, you will receive a certificate of completion

Materials will be provided and a Certificate of completion will be issued at the end of the class.

Location: Orange County (exact location upon registration)
August 24th

Time: 10AM-7PM

Reiki 2nd Degree

Prerequisite: Reiki I (certificate required)

The Second Degree Reiki Level will take you into a much deeper system of Reiki. At this level, the energy can be used on a physical, emotional, spiritual, & mental planes. You may use it for your own healing as well as somebody else’s. You can use it to assist the well-being of your pets, plants, individually or in groups in person or at a distance.

At this level you will:

*  You  will learn 3 symbols of Reiki, their application, and many benefits.

*  By receiving a second attunement, while doing a session, the healing benefits of Reiki will extend to  all  levels of existence, physical, emotional, spiritual, & mental.

* You will learn how to take Reiki beyond people and use it as a tool in the healing and well-being of your pets, plants, etc.

* You will also learn how to send Reiki remotely to others.

* You will also learn how to  easily  and  effortlessly use Reiki to complete goals and manifest your heart’s desires.

* You will get practice the techniques on others.

* And at the end of the class, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Materials will be provided and a Certificate of completion will be issued at the end of the class.

Location: Orange County (exact location upon registration)
August 25th

Time: 10AM-7PM

Advanced Reiki

Prerequisite: Reiki 1st & 2nd Degree (certificates required)

This class is for those who have answered the call of Reiki as a tool for deep personal healing and/or to assist others during their healing path.

In this level, you will learn and have a deeper understanding of:
* Both, the effect and application of two new symbols.
* Utilizing the psychology of the chakra system for a more profound healing for  the client
* Yet more advanced hand positions for specific physical ailments.
* New simple and effective way to balance the chakra system by utilizing crystals, sacred symbols, pendulums, oils, and color therapy during a healing session. .
* Other Reiki techniques that will help you and your clients release attachments and negative emotions from past relationships and events that have been holding you back in life.
* Ways to incorporate Reiki in your daily life.

The student will also be attuned to a higher frequency and a certificate of completion will be issued at the end of the class.

Location: Orange County (exact location upon registration)
September 28th


Level Master/Teacher

Pre-requisite: Reiki I & II (certificates required)

This class is for those who want to deepen their Reiki practice and learn how to pass this beautiful gift onto others, like children& family members, and for those who are ready to take their business to the next level by becoming a Reiki Teacher.

During this class:

* You will receive Master Level Attunement, the highest attunement of all.

* You will learn the Master Symbols and application

* You will learn how to give attunements for all levels.

* You will practice giving attunements until you’re confident.

* You will learn what to teach in all classes.

* You learn the Master Meditation.

* You will receive handouts for all levels and a certificate of completion.

Materials will be provided and a Certificate of completion will be issued at the end of the class.

Location: Orange County (exact location upon registration)
September 29th

Time: 10AM-7PM

Schedule a Session with me:
Tel: (949) 295-9326